Dynamic Investing and Gratitude: It All Goes Together for Success

12033021_lWith the holidays just around the corner, it’s time to reflect on thankfulness, gratitude and its relationship to financial success.

Research suggests that being gracious and thankful can actually have an affect on financial health. It’s psychological and cerebral, but so are spending money and the choices we make in investments. People who are thankful for what they have are less envious and don’t make poor decisions based on chasing after what their neighbors/friends/families possess.

There is actually a great deal of study focused on behavioral finance. For instance, Dr. Richard Peterson published a study investigating how neuroscience can inform market participants. He said that investment decisions are filtered through peoples’ emotions, moods, feeling and attitudes. These play a big role in the financial decisions people make. Wouldn’t it make sense that people who can tap into their positive side more often will make investment while in a relaxed state of mind rather than one more akin to panic?

Instead of being envious, people who are gracious and thankful for what they have experience lower levels of the stress hormone, cortisol. These people are also more prone to planning out their philanthropic options rather than stress about what they don’t have. Philanthropy, which helps those in need, can also help the giver when taxes are due.

Focusing on a state of gratitude during the Thanksgiving season can be considered a healthy exercise that can extend to finances and investments. Being thankful involves exercising the “muscles” responsible for keeping a positive attitude. Mistakes happen, and we sometimes make unwise choices about our money, but the resilient individual is the one who bounces back. This is also the individual who knows how to remain thankful and positive.

You can choose a grateful, positive attitude right here, right now – and that will impact your decisions about money. Additionally you want a professional investment advisor to help you weed out the negatives and find the positives when it comes to investment management. They can also use their tools and knowledge to help you stay focused on what needs to happen now to get you to the place you’re envisioning later on.

As you ask a professional investment advisor for information, read the materials your advisor recommends. Knowledge is freedom. Knowledge in investment matters can help free you of stress and build up your gratitude muscles. Choose an advisor who doesn’t work on commission and one who takes time to get to know your fears and dreams and investment aspirations.

The investment professionals at Family Investment Center truly consider clients part of their family as they assist them in feeling confident about the investment choices they make. It’s not unusual for clients to experience a level of stress when planning their financial future. However, the professionals at Family Investment Center know the intricacies of dynamic investing – as well as how emotions and attitudes toward wealth can impact choices while operating in a fee-only, commission-free environment. Now  that’s something to feel grateful for.

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